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#1 Booking App for Service Pros

OneBook is a powerful and user-friendly service business app designed for service professionals. Manage your schedule, attract new clients, and grow your business with ease. Try it now!

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Be a local service pro 

Get seen in your neighborhood.  

Control your look

Build your OnePro profile with your expertise, credentials and verification. 

  • Use a professional image so local customers know who you are
  • Write a detailed description of your expertise for the services you provide. 
  • Showcase your flat rate or starting at prices for services.
  • Stand out by adding your credentials: licenses, insurance, certificates, etc. 
  • Get OneBook verified to ensure trust with your customers. 

Define your Prices

Set your booking deposit and service costs

Booking Deposit

Choose what it costs the customer to book directly into your calendar. 

Add Standard Service Fees

Share with your customer what your business charges for regular services. You can set hourly rates, flat rates, starting at prices. 

Control Your Availability

Set your schedule for customers book you

Connect your phone's calendars

Integrate your calendars that are already connected to your phone so you can save your booked jobs and don't get double booked. 

Daily & Hourly Availability

Set the days and hours you are available to be booked by customers. 

Manage Your Bookings

Stay organized with the job board

Booking Requests

See your pending requests to accept or decline. 

View Booked Jobs

Find customer contact details, job location, description and get directions for upcoming appointments. Reschedule or cancel capabilities. (Just make sure to do it at least 24 hours before!)